Sunday, November 26, 2017

Holidays Around the World

Last week we visited England! The students learned about traditional holiday meals, Boxing Day, and Big Ben.  We also discussed how the people of England came to a new world to make better life for themselves. 
This week our airlines will fly us to Sweden.  Here we will learn about the biggest holiday, St. Lucia's Day, Tomten, who brings presents to the children, and the food and traditions of families during the holiday season.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

We Are Thankful!

At our community meeting this past Friday, the students worked with their Montessori buddies to write the things they are thankful for.  Several groups of students were able to share what they wrote on their feather for our community turkey.  

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Making Pizza in Italy

Last Friday, after studying the country of Italy, our Kindergarten friends were able to experience making pizza.  Thank you to Mr. Seay for coming in demonstrating the pizza process with us!  

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Holidays Around Europe
Week 1


Image result for italy       Image result for italy
We are about to start an amazing adventure through
Europe. We will take a look at the foods, history, customs,
and traditions surrounding the holidays of Italy, England,
France, Sweden, and Germany. The first stop on this
journey is Italy.
Students will learn about the folklore of Befana, a
friendly witch that comes and leaves gifts in the stockings
and shoes of children on January 6 th . They will also learn
about what each of the colors of the flag represent; hope
(green), faith (white), and charity (red). Italy is known for
its’ contribution to the world of the arts and we plan to explore the works of artists and musicians too.
Image result for airplane
Let's grab our passports and reserve our seats on Montessori International Airlines. We are sure to have an awesome time!

Welcome to Primary Montessori

Welcome to Primary Montessori! We are excited to have you on this educational journey with us. 

Summer Office Hours and Important Dates

The school will be open Monday-Thursday from 8 am- 4 pm Our Back to School Night is on August 19, 2019 The first day of sc...